I am finally writing my last post on Twitter/Facebook integration into Sitefinity. Hope one of these posts will save your time when you face the same task.
It is possible to develop complete custom integration solutions (Sitefinity modules and widgets) with Twitter and Facebook API.
Facebook JavaScript SDK
The JavaScript SDK enables access to all of the features of the Facebok Graph API and Dialogs via JavaScript. It provides a rich set of client-side functionality for authentication and rendering the XFBML versions of Social Plugins.
- Core Methods (initialization, login, triggering Dialogs with Facebook as iframe dialogs or popups)
- Event Handling (subscribe to events, invoking callback function)
- XFBML Methods (Parse and render XFBML markup in the document )
- Data Access Utilities (Performs a parameterized FQL query)
- Canvas Methods (Starts or stops a timer which resizes iframe)
License cost: Free
Source code: No
Facebook Graph API for .Net
(https://github.com/prabirshrestha/FacebookSharp )
The Graph API allows to read and write objects and connections in the Facebook social graph.
- Work with user profile
- Work with application registered on Facebook Platform
- Work with Facebook pages
- Work with Facebook groups
- Work with photo albums and individual photo within an album
- Work with comment on a Graph API objects
- Work with Facebook events
- Work with Facebook friend lists
- Work with Statistics about applications, pages, or domain
- Work with shared links
- Work with messages in the new Facebook unified messaging system
- Work with Facebook notes, posts and user’s walls
- Work with individual video
License cost: Free
Source code: Yes
Facebook C# SDK
(http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/ )
The Facebook C# SDK helps .Net developers build web, desktop, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7 applications that integrate with Facebook…
- NuGet Packages Available (Facebook, FacebookWeb, FacebookWebMvc)
- Compatible with all Graph API and REST API Calls
- Supports all forms of Facebook authentication: Cookies, OAuth 2.0, Signed Requests
- Samples Applications to get started quickly
- Client authentication tool to get test access tokens
License cost: Free
Source code: Yes
(http://www.twitterizer.net/ )
The JavaScript SDK enables access to the most features of the Twitter
- Fully OAuth Compliment
- xAuth Support
- Built-in caching
- High percentage of API coverage
- Search API support
License cost: Free
Source code: No
(http://tweetsharp.codeplex.com )
TweetSharp is the most complete, and most effective client library for communicating with Twitter.
License cost: Free
Source code: No
In case if we won’t be able to implement required functionality on the base of Twitter/Facebook plugins and third parties’ modules/widgets we are able to implement ant functionality we want by develop of the Sitefinity custom modules and widgets on the base of above mentioned SDK libraries.
About The Author: Yotec Team
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